Thursday, August 5, 2010

Now I Want To Remodel My Bed Room

   Well, it has taken me a while, but I managed to get my bedroom all free from clutter! Except for one of the closets. But that will be easy to do. It's a small closet and most of the organizing will be my jewelry. It took me so long to do my room because I can only do so much at a time. Due to a my stupid back injury! Everything will take much longer to do because of it.
   I talk about the "Clutter" in my house that causes me stress and makes me fat, well this back injury is "Major Clutter" in my life, so you can only imagine. I want it to be over and done with, but just like de-cluttering my house, it takes time. So I guess there is some things in my life I can't seem to get rid of as easy as others. Like the clutter in my house. Bummer!
   I am so amazed at how nice and tidy my bedroom is now. I actually find myself spending a little more time in their! I do keep my door open all of the time now. Before, I would just keep the door closed so no one could see the mess. But now it's always open unless I don't want the kids or dogs in there. It's been almost two weeks that it's been de-cluttered and it is still that way. In the past I would clean it but a day later it would be cluttered up again.  I know, your asking your self, "well what did she do with everything"? Well, I ended up with two very large boxes of "stuff" for the garage sale I plan to have and some of it went into the
office to be put away. So yeah, the office still needs working on. BIG TIME! But hey, one room at a time! This would be back braking work if I where to do it all in one or two days. But because of the back, it has to take me up to 7 days sometimes longer to finish.
   As I mentioned before, I haven't done anything else since the completion on the bedroom because, 1) my back, 2) I need at least 3 weeks to recover mentally and emotionally, and 3) Tim has been home from Alaska and hasn't been out on another fire. (I don't do any de-cluttering when he is home.) He is too distracting. In other words, he would be asking why I don't get rid of this or that and well, I just don't work that way!
   Another thing you night be asking yourself, "have you lost any more weight"? The answer to that is yes and no. While I was de-cluttering  I had lost like 5 pounds. Yeah for me right? Well, not really, because during the  weeks of recovery, I did nothing so gained back 3 of the pounds. But hey, my room looks damn good! Oh and so does my bathroom, still!
   So as soon as Tim goes out on another fire, I will start in on the office, until then, I will continue to keep up with my room and bathroom. (Oh and by the way, That really isn't my room, it is just one of many styles of how I'd like it to look)
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  1. OMG that bedroom is to die for! Can't wait to see that bedroom, you go girl...luv ya

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Sista... do you really think I could get my room to look this way, at least sort of? luv ya 2
