Thursday, August 12, 2010

Garage Sale Time Even Though I'm Not Ready

   So tomorrow is the first garage sale of several to come. There is just so much "stuff", it will be hard to keep track of everything. But I have Laney helping, (she gets half of the earnings) What's wrong with that picture?
   I just hope we get rid of a lot of it because I don't want to have to store it until the next one.
I know this will be a very stressful time for me, it always is. That is why I bought some "brownies" to help get me through it. I know I know, that isn't what I should be doing, but at least I only bought 4. I will try to make them last. Besides, I have a feeling that will be my breakfast and lunch!
   I suppose I should go to bed now so I can get up at the crack of dawn and turn away all the so called "early birds".

Monday, August 9, 2010

OMG Not The Garage Yet!

   Woke up this morning hoping Laney would get her packed boxes out of the hall way and into the garage! But because the garage was FULL of "stuff" for the garage sale, to be thrown away, and laundry, nothing else was going to fit in there. So everyone started cleaning it out and making piles in the drive way. Karli was  my designated "arms and back" so I directed her as to where things went and she had to pick up boxes and move them. It really is hard working that way!
   HOLLY CRAP there is a lot of Sh*t in there. But we managed to get three piles going, 1) for Laney's stuff, 2) for my stuff and 3) for the garage sale. Guess which one is the biggest? There was several times I began to have an anxiety attack so I just had to excuse myself to my room to lay down and breath!
   In order to have a successful garage sale, one must take time in cleaning the items then staging them in categories. Most of the stuff is clean but there is no rhyme or reason to the so called staging. OMG! I'm having a anxieties just thinking about it. I don't see how it will be ready by Friday.
   I better make sure I have a fresh batch of brownies ready just in case! Oh I know, having brownies defeats the whole weight loss theory, but some times you just have to say "what the heck". Maybe I should finish reading the book!

FYI~ Garage Sale is this Friday and Saturday starting at 7am till about 1:00pm.

See you here!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Talk About Clutter!

Okay, so I'm trying to de-clutter my house right? Well right now, it is in such a shambles I can't stand it. Sweet Child of Mine Laney, is packing all of her room up in order to move to Portland this week end. I know you have to make a mess to clean a mess, but this is out of control.  I really must take some pictures in order for you to really see what I'm talking about. So pictures I will take.....
I know it wont be there for ever, but so far 5 days seems like for ever. "Calgon, take me away, PLEASE"

Where are those damn brownies when I need them?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Now I Want To Remodel My Bed Room

   Well, it has taken me a while, but I managed to get my bedroom all free from clutter! Except for one of the closets. But that will be easy to do. It's a small closet and most of the organizing will be my jewelry. It took me so long to do my room because I can only do so much at a time. Due to a my stupid back injury! Everything will take much longer to do because of it.
   I talk about the "Clutter" in my house that causes me stress and makes me fat, well this back injury is "Major Clutter" in my life, so you can only imagine. I want it to be over and done with, but just like de-cluttering my house, it takes time. So I guess there is some things in my life I can't seem to get rid of as easy as others. Like the clutter in my house. Bummer!
   I am so amazed at how nice and tidy my bedroom is now. I actually find myself spending a little more time in their! I do keep my door open all of the time now. Before, I would just keep the door closed so no one could see the mess. But now it's always open unless I don't want the kids or dogs in there. It's been almost two weeks that it's been de-cluttered and it is still that way. In the past I would clean it but a day later it would be cluttered up again.  I know, your asking your self, "well what did she do with everything"? Well, I ended up with two very large boxes of "stuff" for the garage sale I plan to have and some of it went into the
office to be put away. So yeah, the office still needs working on. BIG TIME! But hey, one room at a time! This would be back braking work if I where to do it all in one or two days. But because of the back, it has to take me up to 7 days sometimes longer to finish.
   As I mentioned before, I haven't done anything else since the completion on the bedroom because, 1) my back, 2) I need at least 3 weeks to recover mentally and emotionally, and 3) Tim has been home from Alaska and hasn't been out on another fire. (I don't do any de-cluttering when he is home.) He is too distracting. In other words, he would be asking why I don't get rid of this or that and well, I just don't work that way!
   Another thing you night be asking yourself, "have you lost any more weight"? The answer to that is yes and no. While I was de-cluttering  I had lost like 5 pounds. Yeah for me right? Well, not really, because during the  weeks of recovery, I did nothing so gained back 3 of the pounds. But hey, my room looks damn good! Oh and so does my bathroom, still!
   So as soon as Tim goes out on another fire, I will start in on the office, until then, I will continue to keep up with my room and bathroom. (Oh and by the way, That really isn't my room, it is just one of many styles of how I'd like it to look)
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is There Such A Thing As Too Many Shoes?

   Well, there is still a big pile in front of my closet! I spent today going through more of my shoes. I had forgotten I had so many! I keep them in nice clear shoe boxes, but I never seem to go into that particular closet. I tried each pair on and walked around the room before deciding to keep or get rid of. I found one pair that I always loved but never seemed to wear, so today, I wore them to my appointment. Now I remember why they are tucked away in that closet, they kill my feet. But they are so dang cute!! Sometimes you have to suffer in order to look good, right? I found another pair that I "JUST HAD" to have! I've never worn them! So out they go. Even though they are very dressy, I will have to wear them at  least once. Maybe to the store when I go in the morning!
   By keeping busy with the closet, I didn't eat much. I had already finished off the brownies Karli made yesterday morning so there really isn't much in the house. I do need to go shopping again, but I can tell you this much, those kids are not coming this time!   Oh and by the way, I never did get dinner cooked for me either. Damn kids!