Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is There Such A Thing As Too Many Shoes?

   Well, there is still a big pile in front of my closet! I spent today going through more of my shoes. I had forgotten I had so many! I keep them in nice clear shoe boxes, but I never seem to go into that particular closet. I tried each pair on and walked around the room before deciding to keep or get rid of. I found one pair that I always loved but never seemed to wear, so today, I wore them to my appointment. Now I remember why they are tucked away in that closet, they kill my feet. But they are so dang cute!! Sometimes you have to suffer in order to look good, right? I found another pair that I "JUST HAD" to have! I've never worn them! So out they go. Even though they are very dressy, I will have to wear them at  least once. Maybe to the store when I go in the morning!
   By keeping busy with the closet, I didn't eat much. I had already finished off the brownies Karli made yesterday morning so there really isn't much in the house. I do need to go shopping again, but I can tell you this much, those kids are not coming this time!   Oh and by the way, I never did get dinner cooked for me either. Damn kids!


  1. Ok that shoe is over the top cool, wow I wouldn't be able to throw that one out! Wish we wore the same size

  2. lol, So can you just see me wearing that to the store in my jeans or sweats??
